Welcome to Damsel in Des Moines, my friends! I'm very excited to finally be starting my fashion/design/food (and whatever else) blog! I have been trying to think of a name since December, which was my hold-up of
actually starting this puppy! But here we are now! And I'm so happy. :) I'll probably be all over the place on this blog, because I have so many interest, but the main purpose is for this blog to correspond with my fashion account on instagram here:
@mycorporatestyle (
follow me!!) So I hope that through this blog, you all can keep up with my crazy, eclectic and hectic life! Shout out to my out-of-state family! Now you can "see" me more often. :) Love you all!! xoxo
So, let the first post COMMENCE!
I OFFICIALLY give up on caring how cold I am. When I went outside to my car this morning at 600am, my hair froze, as I ended up showering this morning instead of last night. It was -5 degrees. I've been trying to bundle up lately, re-wearing my thickest cardigans, like, every-other day (proooobably without even washing in-between wears). However, I'm over it. I'm done bundling up and feeling claustrophobic in my winter-wear. So, the last week or so, I've begun wearing skirts and dresses again. I just can't do pants every day anymore. As much as I adore my go-to Banana Republic "
Sloan fit" pant, I
am getting a little sick of wearing them so often. So today I am posting some of my "winter denial" looks from the last few weeks. :)

This skirt is from Target, and I got it on sale about a week ago for ONLY $11.50!! I was so excited about the find! Also a good find, this silk green button down from Banana Republic, which I got on sale for $19 (holler!) My necklace and the twisty-blingy bracelet are both from JCrew. I think I got the bracelet on sale for about $20 and the necklace on eBay for $30. The chain bracelet is from my beloved
Aldo Jordan Creek (my place of {part-time} work). And my pumps are my very favorites! I have them in nude and black now, and they "Nala" from
Coach (and were, unfortunately, not on sale... {you win some, you lose some} but they're so worth the money. My nude pair has lasted me 4 or 5 years already and has experience several repairs). :) Anyway, I was really excited about this outfit! I was going to wait until it got warmer, however, I don't see that happening any time soon, so I sucked it up and took the plunge! (aka - wore it when it was below 0 outdoors) #committed

These new FABULOUS sunglasses are from none other than Cole Haan! (Although I'm not enjoying the summer sun, the snow IS extremely bright, so sunnies are a necessity!) I got them at TJMaxx for (can you believe it?!?) $17!!!!!! I have been desperare for sunglasses and was planning on starting to save up for them... but anyone that knows me is aware that I am not very good at saving money (but getting better - perhaps I'll do a post about my new money-saving skills!). I never would have gotten sunglasses this shape a year or so ago, but reading so many fashion blogs and following so many wonderful people on instagram made me realize that life is too short not to have a little fun with what you wear! So I adopted these babies! :)

Possibly my favorite (and classiest) dress is this one from
White House|Black Market. I think it's a beaut! The Oh!-so-different neckline is what really sucked me in a year and half ago when I got it. I bought it for a sorority formal (KKG!!) and have loved it since. My patterned tights were another plunge for me. A fear I was finally willing to face. And I think I wore them okay, right? They are from
Skweez Couture, but I purchased them at TJMAxx for $7. My shoes are (still) from Coach. I also wanted to show off my self-done manicure with an OPI color and a Ciate iridescent/glitzy color atop.

Another way I defy winter is by sprucing myself up with some COLOR!! A way I've recently discovered I enjoy doing that is through my lips. I only use MAC Cosmentics, not because I'm a makeup snob, but because I SERIOUSLY love their products. This lip-look is MAC's
Pro Longwear Lip Pencil in "Trust in Red," which I think I can pull of because it's a blue-red, not an orange red. Perhaps I'll try an orangey-er red someday! Also in this photo: I am wearing false lashes. With several layers of mascara, my natural lash
can get pretty long, but sometimes it's fun to go even more dramatic with these babies from
Red Cherry.
Thank you, everybody, for visiting my very first fashion blog post!! I am SO excited to be here on Damsel in Des Moines and hope you continue to join me to hear ALL about my life.